Previously Ottawa Holistic Wellness

Diagnostic Solutions GI Map - Complete Wellbeing - Centretown Ottaw

The Diagnostic Solutions GI-MAP Comprehensive Stool Analysis (GI-Microbial Assay Plus) quantitatively evaluates the gut microbiota including bacterial, parasitic and viral pathogens that can cause infection, disturb the healthy microbial balance and contribute to recurrent gastrointestinal disease.

By assessing the amount / number of the pathogens it allows practitioners to determine how relevant they are in your symptoms and health concerns.

Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory uses proven technology to provide accurate and reliable results.

When we receive your results they will be sent to you.

You are welcome to then book a Initial Consultation with our Functional Medicine practitioner, Dominick Hussey, to discuss a treatment plan that considers the results along with your health history and current symptoms.


What does the GI-MAP Comprehensive Stool Analysis test?

The GI Map test includes the following:

  • Bacterial Pathogens
  • Viral Pathogens
  • Parasitic Pathogens
  • Parasitic Protozoa
  • Parasitic Worms
  • Normal Bacterial Flora
  • Opportunistic Bacteria
  • H. pylori with Virulence Factors
  • Fungi / Yeast
  • Digestion
  • Immune Response
  • Inflammation
  • Antibiotic Resistance Genes

The full list of pathogens and markers tested can be found on the Diagnostic Solutions website.

How much does the Diagnostic Solutions GI MAP cost?

The cost is currently $634 including HST.

How long does it take to get the results?

The GI MAP test turn-around is 5 - 10 business days from the lab receiving the sample.

Is the Diagnostic Solutions GI MAP test right for me?

You may want to consider doing a GI-MAP Comprehensive Stool Analysis if you have or suspect any of the following:

  • Chronic and Acute Gastroenteritis
  • IBD - Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • GERD, Reflux or Heartburn
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Unexplained Weight Gain or Weight Loss
  • Chronic Anaemia
  • SIBO - Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth
  • Suspected H. pylori Infection
  • Fungal or Yeast Infections
  • Bacterial & Parasitic Infections
  • Intestinal Permeability
  • Viral Pathogens

If you are unsure whether the Diagnostic Solutions GI-MAP Comprehensive Stool Analysis would be of benefit to you, we encourage you to book an in-person or virtual (phone or video) consultation with Dominick Hussey, Osteopathic and Functional Medicine Practitioner, or with Sue Taylor, Natural Allergist. They are both experienced in assisting clients with digestive dysfunction.

You can discuss your specific symptoms and concerns, and whether this test would be beneficial.

To book a Pathfinder consultation please call our clinic on (613) 230-0998 or book online.