Previously Ottawa Holistic Wellness

SIBO Testing - Complete Wellbeing - Centretown Ottawa

SIBO testing identifies Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth or SIBO. This is a common disorder often at the root of chronic gastrointestinal symptoms.

These symptoms can include:

  • Bloating and gas
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Abdominal pain
  • Belching
  • Nausea

Normally there are few bacteria found in the small intestines. However, under certain circumstances such as food allergies and intolerances, gut infection, antibiotic use and even stress, bacteria can migrate from the large intestines up into the small intestines.

Where symptoms indicate there may be an imbalance in the gut SIBO testing can be used to identify any bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine.

We offer SIBO Breath Testing from SIBO Canada.

When we receive your results they will be sent to you.

You are welcome to then book a Initial Consultation with our Functional Medicine practitioner, Dominick Hussey, to discuss a treatment plan that considers the results along with your health history and current symptoms.

The results can also be taken to your Medical Doctor or Naturopath.


Ordering a SIBO Test Kit

  1. Email us with your full name, mailing adress and phone umber
  2. We email you an invoice with instructions on how to make payment.
  3. Once payment is received we send you a receipt and order the kit which is shipped to your home.
  4. You complete the test and ship the samples to the lab.
  5. Results are available 5-10 business days after receipt by the lab. These are aded to your secure account in our system and you are sent an email letting you know they are there
  6. Download the results and take them to your health care provider or book a consult with our Functional Medicine Practitioner, Dominick Hussey.


What does the test involve?

The SIBO breath test is a simple, non-invasive procedure that you can do in the comfort of your home.

Following a specific preparation, a solution of lactulose is swallowed and six breath samples are taken over the next 3 hour period.


How to prepare for the SIBO Testing

There is a 24-hour preparation period before taking the test.

The first 12 hours require a particular diet, this consists of only the following foods: Baked or broiled chicken, fish or turkey (salt and pepper only),tofu, white bread (only), plain steamed white rice, eggs, clear chicken or beef broth with no vegetable pieces, water, plain coffee or tea (no sugar/ artificial sweeteners or cream).

The last 12 hours need a complete fasting period, however, you may brush your teeth. For this reasson most people prefer to do the test first thing in the morning.

You can download the detailed preparation instructions HERE. They will also be incuded in your test kit.


Are there any contraindications to the testing?

You will not be able to take the test if you are taking proton pump inhibiting (PPI) medications for heartburn and reflux including Nexium.

Some people who are lactose intolerant may experience reactions to the lactulose similar to those when they consume lactose.


Is SIBO testing right for me?

You may want to consider this test if you demonstrate the following:

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome / Irritable Bowel Disease
  • Unexplained digestive symptoms that have not responded to dietary changes
  • The inability to tolerate sweet or starchy foods, fibre, or probiotics
  • B12 or Iron deficiencies that have not improved with supplementation
  • Unexplained general body symptoms including pain, depression or fatigue

If you are unsure whether this test would be of benefit to you, please book a free in-person, video or phone consultation with Dominick Hussey, Functional Medicine Practitioner to discuss your symoptoms and the best approach for addressing them.

You can call our clinic on (613) 230-0998 or book online.


What does the test measure?

This SIBO Canada test measures the amount of hydrogen and methane produced by bacteria in the small intestines. These bacteria are from the large intestine and digest fibre producing either hydrogen or methane gas.The amount of these gases, and the length of time after consuming the lactulose that they appear, will provide information on the extent of the SIBO.


Is SIBO Testing covered by my Insurance?

In most cases the answer is No. However, if your medical doctor prescribes it then it MAY be covered. Ask your health insurance provider.