2 Overlooked Factors that May Be Causing Your Anxiety And Depression
As an Ottawa allergist and energy healer, I see many clients who have anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. For most, the medical profession only wants to prescribe meds without addressing any of the underlying causes.
I find that two of the most overlooked factors in these conditions are allergies and intolerances to foods.
I want to introduce you to one of my clients, “Rachel”.
She had been experiencing anxiety issues since around seven years old. As she passed through puberty into her late teens, the symptoms became much worse and included severe anxiety, depression, along with lethargy and fatigue, an inability to concentrate and migraines.
By the time she was 17 years old, she had been on medication for some years. These meds helped her to function, but the side effects had a negative impact on her quality of life.
When she came to me, she was seeking an alternative approach that could help her eliminate the necessity for her to take meds, and alternative medicine to help fight all of these symptoms.
We tested for food triggers and determined that the protein casein found in cow’s milk products, wheat, tomatoes and bell peppers were big issues for her.
I have found these to be relevant allergens for many clients with anxiety, depression and other mental health concerns.
Frequently anxiety and depression go hand in hand with irritable bowel and other digestive complaints; however, it is important to remember that it is not necessary to experience these digestive issues to have food allergies and intolerances.
Food allergies and intolerances also impact the digestion of foods and absorption of nutrients. I recommended that Rachel asks her MD to test her blood levels of Vit D, B12 and iron.
The levels came back at the bottom of what an MD will consider being the ‘normal’ range, but that I would consider being sub-optimal.
In Rachel’s case, she removed the milk products, wheat and nightshade vegetables including tomatoes and peppers from her diet. After an initial detox period, of less than a week when she felt even more tired and depressed, her mood lifted significantly, her energy levels steadily increased, and her migraines became less frequent and severe.
She started taking Vit D and B12 supplements along with some iron glycinate.
Within a month she had improved significantly and was able to discuss coming off her meds with her MD.
Now, several years later, she feels great, no longer has migraines and is not taking meds. She uses meditation to release the stress everyday life causes her.
In her words, she has ‘Never felt so balanced and well”.
Are suffering from anxiety and depression? Contact me for more information on how to determine whether food allergies and intolerances maybe some of your triggers.