Previously Ottawa Holistic Wellness

Christine Hager - Complete Wellbeing - Centretown Ottawa

Christine Hager believes that in order to achieve lasting results it is essential to determine and address the root cause of presenting symptoms. In this way we can truly thrive.

Her training in Acupuncture and Cupping at the The International Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and in Holistic Nutrition are well used in her clinical analysis of health history, diet and presenting symptoms. Christine Hager uses this in  combination with manual muscle testing and dowsing to determine the underlying root cause(s) for her client’s health concerns.

From there, she uses a system of acupressure and laser acupuncture to calm the central nervous system in the presence of the allergen and release stagnant emotional barriers. This reprograms the body from the energy mismatch which no longer serves it. She also offers Cupping and Gua Sha, tools from Traditional Chinese Medicine.

If the body is in need of additional support for underlying infections, nutrient deficiencies, structural imbalances or emotional blockages Christine Hager is equipped to evaluate and recommend the right match for your body’s current healing needs.


Christine Hager’s journey

As a child Christine was active and ambitious, a competitive dancer and an honour roll student. It was only when she developed symptoms she could no longer ignore that she paid time and attention to her body’s needs.

The trajectory of her life was changed by her own declining health. She developed rashes and itching, chronic pain and fatigue, IBS and digestive issues, brain fog, insomnia, clinic depression and ultimately eating disorders.

She sought advice from multiple medical doctors. After extensive clinical testing provided no answers the only solution provided was a prescription for antidepressants.

Disillusioned by the Western medical approach, and not wanting to remain on medication long term, she sought answers elsewhere.

This led her to meet clinic co-founders Sue Taylor and Dominick Hussey. They sparked her interest in Applied Kinesiology and its potential to provide answers to the root causes of her health issues.


Christine Hager and Food

Christine knew she had to redefine her relationship around food and eating. This led her to pursue an understanding of nutrition. She read everything she could about nutrition, current food trends and up to date research.

As part of this journey she attended the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and graduated in 2010.


Pursuing Healing

Christine Hager discovered the International College of Healing Arts in 2011 whilst living in New York. Under the guidance of Ken Campbell (NP) she took courses in Energy Kinesiology, and perfected her skill in the muscle testing and associated modalities.

The meridian system and related acupuncture points that she learned about during the Energy Kinesiology course fascinated her. This led her to undertake the Acupuncture Practitioner program at The International Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Having graduated in 2019, her approach to treating allergies and to healing includes the 5 Element Theory, Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis techniques, Emotions and her extended knowledge of acupuncture points and the meridians.