Osteoarthritis: How to manage your pain and have a better quality of life
An estimated 10% of Canadians over the age of 15 live with a diagnosis of osteoarthritis [OA] (1). 70% of these Canadians experience the majority of their arthritic symptoms in their hips and knees (1). Unfortunately, among Canadians with a diagnosis of arthritis, the average time between the onset of their symptoms and an accurate diagnosis can be up to 7.7 years (1). This period between onset of symptoms and diagnosis of the disease could be spent making dietary and lifestyle changes to reduce pain and improve quality of life. By 2036 an estimated 7.5 million Canadian adults will have a diagnosis of OA.
So what are the symptoms of OA?
Increased stress and ageing of our joints leads to a breakdown of joint tissue known as cartilage. Cartilage acts as a cushion between the bones of our joints, and without it, bones begin to rub against each other. When cartilage is sufficiently worn down, joints are left with a bone-on-bone contact; limiting the range of motion. As a result, people with OA experience pain, stiffness, and swelling in their affected joints (2).
Lifestyle treatments for OA aim to reduce further injury, relieve pain, and improve joint function. Some of these procedures are as simple as self-management; avoiding repetitive stress on the affected joints. For example, musicians and dancers place repeated stress on their joints, and they may be at higher risk of developing OA. Obese Canadians are also at risk for OA, and adhering to a lifestyle plan of healthy eating and weight management will help to reduce the pain and damage of OA. Deep breathing and massage therapy can help to relax tense muscles around an inflamed and stiff joint (2). In some cases, joint replacement surgery is required to limit the damage of OA and provide a better quality of life.
So how can we naturally help with the prognosis of OA?
Curcumin, a robust anti-inflammatory component of the spice turmeric, may help to reduce the pain and stiffness of OA (3,4).
Fish oil also has excellent evidence for use as a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant in OA (5).
Some people also benefit from a hypoallergenic diet; cutting out potentially aggravating foods that may be contributing to pain and dysfunction.
Finally, for topical pain relief, Boswellia serrata AKA frankincense oil mixed with your favourite carrier oil (think sweet almond, olive, coconut, etc.) and applied to your affected joints daily may help reduce inflammation and pain (6). In one study of 30 patients with OA of the knee, eight weeks of Boswellia extract significantly improved knee pain, swelling, range of motion, and walking distance compared to placebo (7).
This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Now I would like to hear from you. Do you have Osteoarthritis? What have you tried to help their symptoms? Let us know in the comments below.